You must post the "Notice to Employees-Injuries Caused by Work" poster in a conspicuous place at the work site. This poster provides employees with information on your workers' compensation coverage and where to get medical care for work injuries. The notice must be easily understandable and posted in both English and Spanish (where there are Spanish-speaking employees).
The notice must include the following details:
How to get emergency medical treatment
The types of events, injuries, and illnesses covered by workers' compensation
An injured employee's right to receive medical care and right to select and change the treating physician after the first 30 days
An injured employee's right to receive temporary and permanent disability benefits, supplemental job displacement benefits, vocational rehab benefits, and death benefits, as appropriate
Where to report injuries
The existence of time limits to notify the employer of an injury
Protections against workers' compensation discrimination
The location and phone number of the nearest information and assistance officer.
Form DWC7 - Notice to Employees Poster (English and Spanish)
The form and content of the notice are to be made available to self-insured employers and insurers by the administrative director. Insurers are to provide this notice to each of their policyholders, with advice concerning the requirements of this section and the penalties for a failure to post this notice. Cal. Lab. Code 3550(f)
Failure to post this notice is a misdemeanor that can result in a civil penalty of up to $7,000 per violation. Cal. Lab. Code 3550(b) Additionally, a failure to post means the employee can choose to be treated by his or her personal physician if an injury occurs.
Every employer subject to the compensation provisions of the code, except employers of employees defined in subdivision (d) of Section 3351, must give every new employee, either when the employee is hired or by the end of the first pay period, written notice of the information contained in Cal. Lab. Code 3550
Every employer is required to give any employee who is a victim of a crime that occurred at the employee's place of employment written notice that the employee is eligible for workers' compensation for injuries, including psychiatric injuries, that may have resulted from the crime. The employer must provide this notice, either personally or by first-class mail, within one working day of the crime, or within one working day of the date the employer reasonably should have known of the crime. Cal. Lab. Code 3353
Employers within an existing Medical Provider Network (MPN) must also:
Create a complete MPN Notice and post it next to the revised "Notice to Employees-Injuries Caused by Work" poster by October 8, 2010.
Give the same complete MPN Notice you've created to any employee injured at work on or after October 8, 2010.
Employers who are implementing, changing or terminating an MPN must also:
Give all employees notice that you are implementing, terminating or changing the MPN.